Setting Business Goals With a Biblical Perspective

Putting together a business plan and setting long-term goals is a critical component for every business, church or non-profit organization. At Christian Credit Union our Business Banking Team will work with you and support you in achieving both your short and long-term goals and dreams. Part of the journey in working with our members is to support and apply Christian Credit Union’s biblical principles. Setting long-term goals is not unique in any business plan but approaching it from a biblical perspective at your financial institution is. In Philippians 3:14 we read: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”.

When working with one of our Business Banking Team members you can be confident that we are all committed to helping you align your business goals with building His Kingdom. Our hope is to partner with you in your business and help you grow and plan for the future God has laid out for us. Some businesses may only need day to day banking solutions, others require a credit card, an operating credit line, authorized overdraft, or an equipment loan or mortgage. In addition to providing banking and lending solutions, our Business Banking Team will discuss the importance of a business plan, succession planning, and insurance needs.

Whatever stage your business, church or non-profit organization may be in, we welcome you to reach out and speak with one of our Business Banking Team members through our website, by phone, or by visiting one of our branches.
Tuesday | July 26, 03:52 PM
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