Four H's of Financial Wisdom

The Four H’s of Financial Wisdom is a simple tool that describes what the Bible says about how we should relate to money and it focuses on your heart, your health, your habits and your hope.  This tool provides sound counsel, helpful Bible references, and self-assessment measures to encourage all of us to take action in four areas in order to grow in our understanding and practice of biblical stewardship.  Here are some highlights:

  1. Heart – Behavior Follows Belief. Consider four areas. Stewardship: Do I believe that God owns it all? Contentment: Do I believe that what I have right now is enough? Faith: Do I believe that I demonstrate my faith through my finances? Wisdom: Do I believe that God’s wisdom is true and available?
  2. Health – Today’s Reality. There are five simultaneous competing priorities for the use of money. God’s Word speaks to each: Live, Give, Owe (Debt), Owe (Taxes), Grow. Demonstrate financial maturity by giving up today’s desires for tomorrow’s benefit.
  3. Habits – Five Biblical Principles. Assess your strengths and weaknesses for each area: Give generously. Spend less than you earn. Avoid the use of debt. Plan for financial margin. Set long-term goals.
  4. Hope – Tomorrow’s Promise. Changing habits to increase margin is the only way to meet long-term goals and align our hearts and hope toward eternity. Without margin, it is difficult to respond to God’s calling on our lives and to meet the needs of those He has put in our lives.”

Download the Four H Tool!
See how the Four H's apply to you. You can also visit a branch for a free copy of "Simplifying the Money Conversation" to learn more!
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