Responsible Investing - The NEI Approach

Make money while making a difference.

We would like to share with you some exciting new things about our relationship with NEI and highlight some of the reasons why, for close to twenty years, NEI has grown to become such a close partner of Credential Asset Management Inc. at Christian Credit Union.

The most recent development is the launch of NEI Private Portfolios. This is an incredible new offering suited for members who have accumulated a higher level of invested assets and are seeking a more sophisticated investment solution and portfolio strategy. As your wealth grows, the investment tools we offer change to match your needs.

Highlights of NEI Private Portfolios include:

  • A complete, fully diversified portfolio through a single investment.
  • Advanced portfolio construction and active asset allocation strategies to safeguard assets and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Exclusive access to industry leading investment managers from around the world.
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles incorporated into the investment process by all managers.
  • Competitive pricing.
  • Available to investors with a minimum $100,000 of investable assets.
  • Are exclusively available through Credential Asset Management Inc. at credit unions including Christian Credit Union.

NEI has become Credential Asset Management Inc.’s largest partner in providing mutual fund investment options for you, our members. A major reason for this is the way that NEI’s responsible investment philosophy aligns with our Christian values.

What is responsible investing? It means investing in mainstream, multinational companies based upon their financial performance AND environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. It is more than screening for “good and bad” companies. It is actively working with the companies being invested in (having influence and a seat at the board table) to make improvements in their environmental, social and governance practices.

“Our focus on responsible investing means NEI’s approach to wealth management aligns nicely with the core values of the Christian Credit Union,” says Will Omar, Co-Head of Sales at NEI Investments. “We demand a lot from the companies we invest in, and in doing so, we believe we can achieve better outcomes for our partners and clients.”

While returns cannot be guaranteed, an argument can be made that investing responsibly does not need to come with a discount on performance. In fact, the argument can be made that investing in poorly governed companies exposes one to even greater risk of under-performance.

In 2018 NEI added two new “Responsible Screens” to their automatic exclusions criteria which we’re very pleased to see. Now, any NEI fund that includes the letters “RS” in the fund name, will automatically exclude companies that derive a significant portion of their revenue from the tobacco, weapons, nuclear power, gambling and pornography industries. The last two being the newest Responsible Screens.

An article from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management stated “People are revisiting the relationship they want their capital to have in the world. They are seeking a role for capital to play beyond just maximizing profits for a given level of risk, and they’re thinking about social and environmental issues that can be addressed through investment” (What is the Future of Impact Investing – Kellogg Insight, Dec. 2, 2016).

We are hearing from our members, that it is important that their values be aligned with their investment plan – which includes the types of companies they are invested in. For this reason, NEI has become a strong partner with us in providing you, our members, with an investment option that reflects some of the values we hold.

Please give us a call to learn more about responsible investing and how we can assist you with your financial planning needs.

David van Berkel, CFP®, CKA®
Financial Advisor
Christian Credit Union
Credential Asset Management Inc.

Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc.
Northwest Funds, Ethical Funds and NEI Investments are registered trademarks of Northwest & Ethical Investments L.P. Northwest & Ethical Investments Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth Inc. (“Aviso”). Aviso is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth Limited Partnership (“Aviso Wealth LP”) which in turn is owned 50% by a limited partnership owned by the five provincial Credit Union Centrals (the “Centrals”) and the CUMIS Group Limited.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.

Tuesday | March 17, 12:07 PM
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